Have you endured the process to achieve The Promise? In Joshua 5:1-15, He reveals that circumcision, as a sign of the covenant, is the means of become identified with the covenant promises of God to Abraham and his descendants, the nation of Israel.
There are significant parallels between man’s circumcision and his brokenness. In this powerful message, Dr. E. Dewey Smith explains that before we are ready to face the enemy, we need similar preparation of heart and the willingness to submit to God’s directions, in order to experience His power. To ensure victory, Dr. Smith reveals how God can take us through several events to instruct and prepare us for battle.
Listen to this powerful message and let us march forward as crucified people, away from this world’s ways to conquer our riches in Christ!
#LiveBetter #Expectations #HOHATL #NoLimits
Joshua 5:1-15
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