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Have you ever had someone spit on you? Why did Jesus resort to using "spittle" in several of his healings? In three cases, Jesus used His spittle in the process of healing. In John 9 after spitting on the ground, Jesus took the moistened soil, anointed the man’s eyes and instructed him to wash in the Pool of Siloam.


Dr E. Dewey Smith explains Jesus’ use of clay to parallel God’s original creation of man. God formed man from the dust of the ground and Jesus showed His power as the Creator by imitating the original creation of man; He used the “dust of the ground” to give the man born blind sight. As you listen to this message listen carefully for the many lessons of exalting Jesus.


#LiveBetter  #Expectation #ExaltingJesus


"Understand that The Potter needs moisture to mold His clay." 

~ Dr. E. Dewey Smith


Scripture References:  John 9:1-8, Numbers 12:14, Job 30:10, Matthew 27:30




A Savior Who Spits

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